All Easter services at Trinity are open to everyone and everyone is welcome. To know more see below, or be in touch.

This reflective service unfolds as we read the account of Jesus’ last night with his disciples. We walk with him as he journeys to the cross, and take our place amongst the disciples.
Beckenham Baptist Church
(166 Colombo Street, Beckenham)

Join us as we consider the death of Jesus. Come and hear how his crucifixion brings us reconciliation with God and others.
St Martin’s Primary School
(Albert Tce, St Martins)

There is no other day which has changed history like the first Easter Sunday. Come and hear how Jesus being raised from the dead has changed the world, and how it can change you, as well.
St Martin’s Primary School (Albert Tce, St Martins)
Hillview Christian School (150 St Martins Rd)